Friday, 12 July 2019

Reading For Team Leads

Radical Candor: awesome way of thinking about what you do with your day and how you work with your people.
What Got You Here Won't Get You There: gives you a good perspective on the role
One Minute Manager: classic but not very useful.

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Strava GPX Format for Watts and Power

Strava documentation here is vague. The tags you need to set to extend the Garmin GPX format to allow Cadence and Power look like this:

       <TPX xmlns="">


So to add the Watts to a Trackpoint you need to use the TPX tag and set the namespace to an extension and put the Watts in there.

Can we just autofill city and state? Please!

Coming from a country that is not the US where zip/postal codes are hyper specific, it always drives me nuts when you are filling in a form ...